EBC offers two Equipping Classes on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM. The goal of each class is to not only provide sound biblical teaching, but to also foster fellowship and outreach opportunities.
The classes are divided into age groups in an effort to build stronger bonds between the members. That being said, you are free to attend whichever class you prefer at any time.
18-50s Class: "Modern Parables" (Meeting in W102)
60s+ Class: "Embracing Our Christian Roles" (Meeting in Fireside Room)
Descriptions of Our Equipping Classes:
"Modern Parables": This class will be going through 12 weeks on Jesus’ parables using a valuable resource called Modern Parables, which includes some short videos. We’ll cover parables like the Good Samaritan, the Treasure Hidden in a Field, the Parable of the Unjust Judge, and the Parable of the Sower. This class will be taught by Mark Ward.
"Embracing Our Christian Roles": This class will cover the variety of roles that we as believers are called to in God's Word. It will include such topics as the call to discipleship, being a godly husband and wife, the role of the Christian parent, and serving within the local church. This class will be taught by several of our Elders.
Church Leadership 101:
Church Leadership 101 is for both men and women who desire to serve God’s people through leadership. This is a prerequisite for Church Leadership 201, focusing on foundation elements of leading God’s people. Excelling in these classes will prepare someone to take on discipleship and leadership roles here at EBC. This class will be taught by Mark Ward in the Fall of 2025.
Church Leadership 201:
A church leadership training class for both men and women. Excelling in these classes will prepare someone for a variety of leadership roles at EBC. This class involves reading, lectures, group assignments, and hands-on workshop projects. Church Leadership 201 requires the student to have successfully completed Church Leadership 101. This is currently being taught by Patrick Slyman.

Campus Map
Christian men face formidable challenges in today’s world. There are many obstacles that impede us from living “in a manner worthy of the calling” of Christ (Ephesians 4:1). Our desire at EBC is to encourage men in the outworking of their Christian calling, whether it concerns the workplace, home (as a husband and/or father), or their personal walk with the Lord.
Man Up Mondays are officially kicking off September 6! We will be working through Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes. Copies are available in the Resource Center for $10. We will be meeting on Mondays at 6:00 AM in the Fireside Room.
For more information, please contact Pastor Tim Drumm at 360-424-1173 or tim@ebcmv.org.
The women of Emmanuel have many opportunities to live out their calling in Christ. The primary ministry emphasis for women is our Titus Two ministry, which teaches and trains women to think and live in accordance to God’s design for us so that He may be glorified.
There are also several women-specific Bible studies offered throughout the year, larger-scale fellowship and teaching events, a midweek young moms group (1st & 3rd Mondays at 10:00 AM in the Toddler Room), and a biennial off-campus retreat. At any event or gathering that Women’s Ministries hosts there will be a bible-centered message for the women, as our desire is to encourage the women at EBC to become women of discernment who live out God’s word in our lives and community as ambassadors of Christ in a very lost world.
For more information, please contact our Women’s Ministries Directors, Buffi Taylor (buffi@ebcmv.org) or Regina Pimentel (regina@ebcmv.org) at 360-424-1173.