No Passports Needed
EBC'S Children's Ministry is called "Jubilee Junction." It is a timeless town where life-changing decisions are made and celebrated. A "Jubilee" is a festive and joyful time of celebration, and a "Junction" is a point of intersection where decisions are made. Come and join our walk through Sonshine Garden, Promise Park, Noah's Floating Zoo, Town Square, Miracle Marina, Train Station, Theatre, and Service Station.
Our Goal
Our Children's Ministry is the foundational support for the mission of Emmanuel Baptist Church by providing a safe and secure environment for sound biblical teaching and training through use of creative programming and dedicated volunteers, with the goal of supporting the parental role in creating lifelong learners and followers of Christ.
“…so the next generation would know…”
Psalm 78:6a
Our Safety Statement
Safety is very important in Jubilee Junction. All volunteers eighteen and older have successfully passed a national background check, had references called, and been known by our church family for a minimum of six months. Younger volunteers have filled out an application, been interviewed by the director, and attended a training class. From fire and earthquake evaluations, to procedures to protect against intruders, we have each and every child's safety as our top priority.
Sunday Morning Classes
Studying the Bible is of prime importance at EBC. When children turn three, they are promoted from the Nursery Department to the Three-Year-Old classroom. It is there that they begin a systematic age-graded study of God's Word. Each Sunday morning, all children study the same lesson based upon their level of understanding.
Be sure to check these class and room assignments for seasonal changes.
Main Floor
Infants (0-18 months): Sonshine Garden
Toddlers (18 months – three years): Promise Park
Three-Year-Old Class: Town Square
Fours / Pre-K: Town Square
Kindergarten: Miracle Marina
Grades 1-5: Theatre
Second Floor
First – Second Grade: Train Station
Third – Fifth Grade: Service Station
Main Floor
Infants (0-18 months): Sonshine Garden
Toddlers (18 months – three years): Promise Park
Three-Year-Old Class: Noah’s Floating Zoo
Fours / Pre-K: Town Square
Kindergarten: Miracle Marina
Second Floor
First – Fifth Grade: Theatre

Church Map

AWANA Registration is currently closed! If you would like to register your child(ren), please call the church office at 360-424-1173 and ask to speak with Pam Dougliss or Terry Ogdon. Thank you!
The two-fold mission of AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) is to “reach boys and girls for Christ and to train them to serve him.” From mid-September through mid-April, AWANA meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM. Children memorize verses from the Bible, listen to a message, sing songs, and play fast-paced games. Emmanuel offers three age-graded clubs:
Cubbies: Age Three (by September 1) through Pre-School
Sparks: Kindergarten through Second Grade
Truth and Training: Third through Sixth Grade
Please note that only AWANA workers, those serving in Youth Ministry, or those taking classes on Wednesday nights may register their child(ren) for the Nursery.
Fall Registration has begun! During the school year, please call the church office at 360-424-1173 to check on available openings.
NOTE: There is currently a waitlist for Cubbies and T&T Boys!
CLICK HERE to register your child(ren).

The theme for last year’s Vacation Bible School was “Babylon: Where Faith and Obedience Meet.” This Monday through Thursday day camp explored God’s Word through stories, singing, games, and crafts. VBS is free to attend for all outgoing Pre-K through 5th graders. The dates for this year’s VBS will be July 21-24, 2025. We look forward to having your children with us again this summer!